Oil painting on board 25.4 x 33.02 cm (10 x 13 in)
Description: Divisionist style landscape with building to foreground and tree and hills to background.
Signature / Inscription: Signed with the cachet of the artist's estate 'L Hayet' (lower right)
Provenance: With Leighton Fine Art, Buckinghamshire, UK (Titled 'Paysage' [Landscape])
________ Auction house: Binoche et Giquello, Paris, France; December 16th 2015; Lot 27; ‘Collection Régine et Guy Dulon - 2eme vente - Oeuvres Post-Impressionnistes, Art Précolombien, Art Indonésien’ (Régine and Guy Dulon Collection - 2nd sale - Post-Impressionist Works, Pre-Columbian Art, Indonesian Art) – Public exhibition: Hôtel Drouot, Paris, France, sale 2 (Sold) (Attributed to c. 1905)
________ Régine and Guy Dulon Collection; Paris, France