Oil painting on cardboard 25 x 33 cm (9.84 x 12.99 in)
Description: Neo-impressionist landscape of trees with building to right foreground beneath a blue sky. Painted in a neo-impressionist (divisionist) style.
Signature / Inscription: Cachet of the signature ‘L Hayet’ (lower right)
Provenance: Auction house: Yann Le Mouel, Paris, France, November 14th 2008, Lot 170, 'Peintures Dessins Sculptures part.2' (Paintings Drawings Sculptures part 2), titled 'Paysage' (Landscape) - Public exhibition: Drouot Richelieu, Paris, France, Sale 10 - Accompanied by a certificate from Dr. Guy Dulon dated November 10th, 1994 stating that the work will be reproduced in the proposed catalogue raisonné of Louis Hayet
________ Mercier & Cie, Lille, France, 12th October 2008, Lot 389, 'Céramiques - orfèvrerie - bijoux - objets d'art- tableaux - mobilier' (Ceramics - goldsmith work - jewelery - objets d'art - paintings - furniture), Includes certificate mentioned above
________ Former collection Berjonneau, Paris
Exhibited: 'Louis Hayet, neo-impressionist works from 1885 to 1895', Pontoise, France, 1991, curated by Guy Dulon and Christophe Duvivier. Reproduced on page 143 of the exhibition catalogue.