Oil painting on cardboard 24.5 x 33.5 cm (9.65 x 13.19 in)
Description: No image or information available to descibe this painting other than the subject matter of the work's title.
Signature / Inscription: Cachet of the signature ‘L Hayet’ (lower right)
Provenance: Binoche et Giquello, Paris, France, May 17th 2019, Lot 134, ‘Estampes - dessins et tableaux anciens - miniatures - tableaux modernes - bijoux - argenterie - arts d’asie - objets d’art et d’ameublement’ (Prints - old drawings and paintings - miniatures - modern paintings - jewels - silverware - asian arts - works of art and furnishing) (Unsold)
________ Sale: April 4th 2008
________ Berjonneau Collection, Paris
________ Private Collection, Paris
Literature: Guy Dulon, Christophe Duvivier, 'Louis Hayet peintre et théoricien du néo-impressionnisme' (Louis Hayet painter and theorist of neo-impressionism), Éditions Ville de Pontoise and the General Council of Val d'Oise, 1991, reproduced page 143