Oil painting on cardboard 27 x 26 cm (10.63 x 10.24 in)
Description: Village lane with banks either side. Cottage and mature tree in the distance on left side of road. Cast shadows of trees to foreground.
Signature / Inscription: Signed ‘L Hayet’ and dated (lower right)
Provenance: Mercier & Cie, Lille, France, 6th October 2019, Lot 37, 'Grande vente cataloguée d'art classiqu - Orfèvrerie, céramiques, objets d'art, tableaux anciens, tableaux modernes et mobilier ancien [Tableaux des XIX et XX]' (Catalogued Grand Sale of Classical Art - Goldsmith's work, ceramics, objets d'art, old paintings, modern paintings and antique furniture [Paintings of the 19th and 20th centuries])